Hi-tech partner companies

Hi-tech partner companies

MIET cooperates with world leading hi-tech companies:

cadence.jpg Cadence www.cadence.com Device and System Design Institute
synopsys1.jpg Synopsys www.synopsys.com

Education Center for IC Design;

Center for Technological Simulation of Semiconductor Structures TCAD

Mentor_Graphics.gif Mentor Graphics www.mentor.com Education Center for Device and System Design
ptc_logo.jpg PTC Software and Services www.ptc.com Education Center
freescale.gif FreeScale Semiconductor www.freescale.com Center for Specialists Training in Development of Software Tools for LSIC CAD
cisco1.gif cisco Systems www.cisco.com Networking Academy
Oracle.jpg Oracle www.oracle.com Training center
HP_logo2.gif Hewlett Packard www.hp.com Education Center (is being organised)
microsoft.jpg Microsoft www.microsoft.com IT Academy
agilent_Technologies.gif Agilent Technologies www.agilent.com Center for Training Specialists for Curcuit Technique
solidworks.gif Solidworks www.solidworks.com Education Center for Graphic Design
Nemetschek_Group.jpg Nemetschek Group www.nemetschek.com Authorised Training Center
pvue_logo.gif Pearson Vue


Authorised Testing Center
PWC_new.jpg PWC


Training Center